News and Events

As part of the GBIF Governing Board 31 program, BIOPOLIS organises the symposium "Using GBIF to mainstream biodiversity in governments, the private sector, and society" on Wednesday, 02 October 2024. It will take place at the...

The BIOPOLIS Association (CiBIO) and the University of Porto, on behalf of Portugal, will host the 31st meeting of the GBIF Governing Board. The event will take place from October 1 to 4, 2024, at the BIOPOLIS campus in Vairão, Vila do Conde.

Esta edição do curso é organizada em colaboração com o Laboratório Associado Terra. A incrição é aberta a qualquer participante, nbão sendo necessário ser membro daquele laboratório associado.
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Mission of GBIF
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is an intergovermental organisation created in 2001 to facilitate the free sharing and access to biodiversity data.
Data portal

Occurrence data
Search species occurrences, by scientific name, locality of observer. You can make a simple search, of use the advanced search to use several search criteria.

Spatial search
Get species occurrence records searching for an area or locality.

Learn more about Portuguese institutions or organisations that publish biodiversity data through GBIF. You can search also for records published by each institution.

Explore datasets published by Portuguese institutions, based either on biological collections of in biodiversity databases.
Publish biodiversity data
GBIF promotes and facilitates biodiversity data publishing by national institutions. It is possible to publish occurrence, sample-based or checklist data, using data standards and software adopted by GBIF.
GBIF Portugal provides support, training and infrastructure facilities for the uso of these tools.
Learn more
Using biodiversity data
See examples of using data published through GBIF. You can also reuse data in a portal or application, using the web services of the GBIF Portal and also from this national portal.
See use examples
Use data in applications
About us
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Free and open access to biodiversity dataGBIF—the Global Biodiversity Information Facility—is an international network and research infrastructure funded by the world’s governments and aimed at providing anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on Earth.
More about GBIF
About the participation of Portugal
Portuguese Node of GBIF (GBIF Portugal)
Pretendemos promover a participação portuguesa através da publicação e uso de dadosOur Vision
Free and open sharing of primary biodiversity data enriches knowledge and value of Portuguese and global biodiversity.
Our Mission
To promote the integration of Portuguese data providers and biodiversity information resources into
the GBIF network, and the availability of biodiversity data for scientific research and to be used by society.
Strategic Plan
Support the community
Promote the use and participation of the national community on GBIFThe action of GBIF Portugal seeks to increase the capacity of the national community, supporting it through training, infrastructure and promotion of data publication by national institutions. This activity extends, through cooperation, to the other GBIF members and CPLP countries.