News and Events

Registration for the GBIF.ES training workshop: Georeferencing of natural history collections, is now open

Registration for the GBIF.ES training workshop: "Georeferencing of natural history collections", is now open. The workshop will be held from the 13th to 15th of November (2018), at the Royal Botanic Garden in Madrid. The course will cover the use of Geographic Information Systems - GIS and other useful tools, such as Geolocate.

Winner of the GBIF Young Researchers Award of 2018 is Portuguese and investigates climate change impacts on macroalgae distribution, along the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula

Raquel Gaião Silva, 2018 GBIF Young Researchers Award

Raquel Gaião Silva is a graduate student in Biodiversity and Marine Conservation at the University of Algarve, and one of the two winners of the GBIF Young Investigators Award (2018). She is the first Portuguese to win this prize. The student has just completed her thesis for EMBC+ and her research uses species records from the network and other sources, to examine issues related to rising ocean temperatures and the distribution of macroalgae along the Atlantic Ocean coast,  in Spain and Portugal.

Portal now provides interface in Portuguese

Portuguese version interface print screen

The network is working to expand the range of languages available to users worldwide. Currently, it is possible to access the site and choose, besides English, from Spanish, Japanese and now Portuguese interfaces. The Portuguese version was officially published yesterday, enabling the users of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries to work on the platform using their native language. The international data portal still plans to have the interface translated into Russian, Chinese, Danish, among others.

Dataset from IICT contributed to almost 90% of the species listed in a recent article about mammals from Angola

The recently published article by Taylor et al. (2018) presents, among other information (read the full article:, an updated checklist with 275 mammal species from Angola, comprehending 245 species with records obtained through GBIF, via the Biodiversity Data Portal of Portugal.

Public Symposium on Biodiversity Loss in Changing World: Local Data, Global Action

The symposium coincides with GBIF's annual Governing Board meeting, is a full-day event and will highlight some of the work that GBIF and its global network is doing to mobilise biodiversity data for research and to inform decision making for global biodiversity action, among other issues.

Global Biodiversity Information Conference

The 2nd Global Biodiversity Information Conference will be held in Copenhagen, from 23‐27 July 2018. GBIC2 will convene a broad group of invited stakeholders to discuss how an international coordination mechanism for biodiversity informatics could operate and how it could accelerate delivery of the linked and open global biodiversity data infrastructure to the benefit of science and society. While attendance will necessarily be limited, GBIC2 represents just the opening stage of a broader consultation process.

GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge seeks open-data innovations for biodiversity

The Challenge honours the memory of Dr Ebbe Schmidt Nielsen, an inspirational leader in the fields of biosystematics and biodiversity informatics and an important founder of GBIF. It will award up to €34,000 in prizes to innovative individuals and teams that can improve the access, usefulness and quality of open biodiversity data by creating new tools and technical solutions such as new applications, visualizations, methods, workflows or analyses, or build on and extend existing tools and features like: