Thirteen College F3 members participated in a training workshop about GBIF within the project Agrotraining, which is supported by the GBIF Capacity Enhancement Support Programme. The two days training course, allowed participants to familiarize themselves with the resources and tools of GBIF. This involved an introduction to GBIF, including the detailed demonstration of the portal and access to data, the flow of information from the mobilization of data, and its organization according to the Darwin Core standard, and the framework of GBIF, including its role in the landscape of global initiatives for biodiversity information, including the exchange of information via the semantic web.
This training was important to ensure that the team involved in the project has full knowledge of the GBIF's potential, which is necessary for the future planned tasks, that include the development of a needs assessment of GBIF on the use in the field of agrobiodiversity, and an advanced training course in biodiversity information use in agrobiodiversity.
The course also enabled the development of various use cases, through breakout groups, where it explored application examples in agrobiodiversity:
- Relationships between species: the case of the genus Bombus pollinating and Apis in the Mediterranean
- BiRDS – BioIndicator of Resilience and diversity for Stakeholders
- Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.): a tropical major cash crop
- Validation of a list of crops classified as subsistence, income and emerging in 3 regions of Guinea-Bissau
Reports of the breakout groups have identified the tasks where the information available through the GBIF is essential for the implementation of the use cases, but also issues in the usability and availability where the information is limited for the proper solution of the studies.
The presentations used in the course is available below.