GBIF Portugal and College F3 da Universidade de Lisboa are organising on the 26th of January 2017 the workshop Increasing the value of Agrobiodiversity and the importance of biodiversity databases for wine production, which main goals are to identify perceptions and knowledge of stakeholders about the agrobiodiversity potential on increasing the value of the wine production row, and assess the potential of biodiversity information available through GBIF portal and other sources on the activities of the wine production row. The workshop will focus on a specify case use, the wine production row, which is a consolidated and high value production chain in Portugal, but results of the workshop will be evaluated in other agriculture production sectors.
The workshop is planned for about 30 stakeholder, and is organised by the project Agrotraining, which will develop a training course that will cover needs of stakeholders on agrobiodiversity information needs. In combination with an online questionnaire, lauched in the next phase of the project, the workshop will support the preparation of the report on needs assessmento of biodiversity information for agrobiodiversity. Besides the referred instititions, also GBIF Spain is a partner of the Agrotaining project.
The venue of the workshop will be the Instituto de Ciências Socias da Universidade de Lisboa, which is one of the members of College F3.
You can learn more about the workshop here (in portuguese).