European Bireme: EU Nodes in biodiversity reporting mechanisms

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This project aims to describe reporting processes and data flows in five European countries, investigate how GBIF could facilitate reporting and recommend changes to GBIF tools/procedures, if needed. Best practices will be identified, summarized and spread to all European countries.

The project will be articulated around two phases:

  1. Assess nationally how EU reporting works, based on a common methodology. These assessments will be conducted in Belgium, France, Ireland, Norway and Portugal.
  2. Compare national assessments, extract best practices and give recommendations to GBIF Secretariat and European Nodes.

The expected results are:

Short-term results

  • Improvement of the national EU reporting by opening up the underlying datasets.
  • Dissemination of the produced documentation, especially towards non GBIF audience (EEA and national reporting stakeholders).

Long-term impact

  • Adoption of best practices by a larger number of EU countries.
  • Improvements of GBIF tools and procedures according to recommendations.


  • To detail national reporting processes and data flows in Portugal;
  • To explore how changes to GBIF tools and procedures could streamline and improve biodiversity reporting across Portugal;
  • To  identify and summarize best practices and to share recommendations with the GBIF Secretariat and other European Nodes;
  • To document biodiversity reporting mechanisms and partners’ experiences in Belgium, France, Ireland, Norway and Portugal;
  • To improve the understanding of stakeholder needs and procedures for data and decision-making.

News and Activities
(List of actions developed during the project)

The second BIREME Workshop was held in Paris, from the 3rd to the 4th of May (2018). In this event, Node partners got together to discuss their countries’ activities development on the project and to share their first results. In that regard, the Portuguese coordinator Rui Figueira, presented the Portuguese case for the elaboration of Habitats and Bird Directives report and the full presentation can be accessed through this link.

Application of a questionnaire to characterize the process of preparation of reports for Habitats (artº 17) e Birds (artº 12). The questionnaire was carried out on the 8th and 9th of March (2018), through a presencial interview with the ICNF staff, leading actors in Portugal for the report elaboration. For more information, please visit:

Publication of the report: BIREME, the Portuguese case. This report documents the process of elaboration of the national Habitat (art. 17) and Bird (art. 12) Directives report, on their last reporting cycle (2007-2012).

Project Partners

GBIF Belgium (leading partner), GBIF France, GBIF Ireland, GBIF Norway, GBIF Portugal, Species2000.

1 Jun 2017 - 15 Sep 2018

€ 4,000

€ 28,000

Capacity Enhancement Support Programme

Project identifier

Funded by

Programme GBIF CESP 2017

Project lead
GBIF Belgium

Contact details

André Heughebaert, Project Coordinator

Belgian Biodiversity Platform (Belspo)

Av. Louise 231 Louizalaan, B-1050

Brussels - Belgium


