Collaboration Projects

Project GBIF CESP: Filling taxonomic and geographic gaps in open data by strengthening skills of the Brazilian zoological collections network


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Calendar of webinars annouced

The webinar series calendar is already available. The monthly webinar will take place typically in the last week of the month. See here the calendar (in portuguese).

GBIF Portugal participa na acção COST MOBILISE

O GBIF Portugal está associado à acção COST MOBILISE: Mobilização de dados, Políticas e Especialistas em coleções científicas, que tem o objectivo de promover uma rede cooperativa na Europa para apoiar atividades de investigação e facilitar o conhecimento e a transferência de tecnologia em torno das coleções de ciências naturais. Esta acção COST tem a participação de 28 parceiros europeus, incluindo Portugal.


European Bireme: EU Nodes in biodiversity reporting mechanisms

Imagem de pássaro



This project aims to describe reporting processes and data flows in five European countries, investigate how GBIF could facilitate reporting and recommend changes to GBIF tools/procedures, if needed. Best practices will be identified, summarized and spread to all European countries.

The project will be articulated around two phases:

Technical workshop on ALA held in Madrid under the CoopBioPlat project

Participantes Reunião CoopBioPlat Madrid


Between the 20 and 23 of October, Madrid received a technical workshop hosted by the site Spanish GBIF Node on the Atlas of Living Australia platform. This was the second meeting scheduled under the project ERA-Net LAC PCA CoopBioPlat, which aims to promote the institutional cooperation based on biodiversity data portals at national level.

CoopBioPlat - A cooperative framework for building a common platform to serve biodiversity information at national level

The CoopBioPlat - A cooperative framework for building a common platform to serve biodiversity information at national level is a project supported by the ERANet-LAC program, of the type Pilot Coordination Action, which aims to promote the international collaboration within the GBIF network, to develop digital platforms for the visualization and analysis of biodiversity data at the country level.

First CoopBioPlat meeting held in Buenos Aires

CoopBioPlat - Reunião em Buenos Aires


The first meeting of ERANet LAC PCA CoopBioPlat project was held in Buenos Aires from 9 to June 11 this year. This meeting served to draft the first version of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to be agreed between the partners countries, and which is intended to establish an institutional agreement for cooperation on biodiversity data portals (at national level and based on the portal Atlas of Living Australia, ALA). The meeting was hosted by the Argentine Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation.